ArrivalTime was a PalmOS app. It was for use in stage rally competition and was the original approach used in our apps to calculate control arrival time. Afterward, the approach was changed to that used in the PalmOS app TimeCalc and the iOS app ATC Calculator.
The ArrivalTime icon is in the center of the top row The initial screen when ArrivalTime starts Menu item for Calculate From menubar item Dialog for adding control Dialog for entering initial arrival time if first control is a ATC Dialog for entering the out time if the first control is a MTC Dialog to confirm clearing event times Dialog to confirm removing all events Before tapping Start Prompt for initial MTC Out time Calculated arrival time for ATC1 Prompt for stage start time Calculated arrival time for MTC2 (running of other stages not shown) Dialog box indicating the end of the event Calculated arrival time as above Prompt for stage finish time Calculated arrival time for ATC2